Digital Vision Consulting

Design Thinking

Design thinking is an approach that can be stand alone or a critical part if an agile delivery approach. It is at it’s heart, about inspecting and adapting, using iterative approaches to build value. The approach offers a number of great benefits, to include:

Design Thinking Flow
Image Source: Presentation from Chris Nodder

To be successful, the product owner and lead needs to set clear goals as well as success, or acceptance criteria for these. As these are declared, the team must measure the results, early & often. This feedback on results loop will allow the team to test the ideas and have value stories to tell, with real world feedback that is incredibly powerful.

Having led teams and worked in large enterprises for a couple of decades, I see many people who are a bit jaded and do not see themselves as creative. What I have found though, is that most people are creative when properly stimulated and often welcome the opportunity to contribute and be a part of a solution and ideation process. As a design thinker, it is important to learn to harness this process and enthusiasm. The white board and sticky note approach, as well as sketching on paper provides safe ways to start the ideation, and can open the door to creative thinking.

The low fidelity ideation drives collaboration and conversation, while also saving money and time. Paper prototypes are a great way to do an idea walk through and pressure test User Interface (UI) or work flows.

The risk of the waterfall mentality, meaning the standard step wise life cycle methodology is real, but can be mitigated to some level but following a lean / agile approach with an iterative startup phase. 

The value of failing fast, applying learnings is tremendous, as described previously. You can expect to see results such as:

Getting started does not require a large enterprise commitment, or even a strong management endorsement. Just start – don’t make it a big deal or seek to justify, let the results do the speaking / marketing for your team. People are attracted to success, and success breeds more success creating a “pull through”.

As the thinking and process takes hold, you can work on the organization sell through. 

There is so much more that can be said on this topic, as well as the clear intersection with the agile world and approach, but this is a good initial exploration to get you started on the journey.

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